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MomAgenda to the rescue!

Recently, as I have been taking on more things, my life was starting to get a little, lets say, chaotic!  Over the summer I have started a blog, a business, plus some other side ventures.  I kept going to the store and searching around online for something to keep all my appointments and notes, plus, all of Stella’s social activities.  This was turning out to be a harder task then I had originally thought. I wanted something sheik and cute but also functional.

So, I continued to send myself emails with ideas and appointments, so I could write it on the calendar, by my fridge, hoping I did not get side tracked when walking from the office to the fridge.  I know it is only a couple of rooms over  but let me tell you, a lot can happen in those steps, and if so, the appointment was lost!

Yesterday, I had a coffee date on the downtown mall in Charlottesville.  After I thought I would let my daughter run and do some window shopping.  As I was walking and Stella was running ahead of me, she all of a sudden veered left and ran into Rock Paper Scissors.  Slightly panicky I ran after her before she could do too much damage.  As I walked in a remembered what a fabulous store it is! I had not been in one since we lived in Miami.

So as I tried to control my 21 month old from destroying the lovely and well-kept store, I started to browse around.  I needed some birthday cards anyway.  As I searched the shelves filled with elegant but simple stationary and the most sweetest hand-made cards and journals, I tried to keep m daughter under control and occupied with my cell phone.  It really is worth the trip just to check everything out.  Oh my, I am getting side tracked!  So I happened to look to my right, as my daughter so nonchalantly knocked over some stamps, and saw zebra print staring at me in the face.  It was love at first sight!  I found exactly what I was looking for, for so long, but could not find…….the MomAgenda!  This desktop agenda has it all.  A monthly calendar and a weekly planner that has room for up to four kids activities, plus space for yourself.  It has space for vacation planning/ideas, birthdays, party planning, and so much more.  In the beginning it has two pages full of wonderful family websites and some great shopping ones for moms!! It really is wonderful.  It fits in my bag which is great, so I can never be without it.  If you are one that likes smaller bags, there is a size for that as well.  It really is fantastic for any mom or mom to be!!

Usually I am so nervous when Stella is running free in stores like this, but this time she was a step ahead of me!

My Top 10 Tips for Making Back To School A Smooth Transition

September is fast approaching and your summer schedule will be turned upside down.  Pre-season for sports and other school activities have started and will be over before you know it! So how do you make this a smooth transition for both your kids and yourself?  Easy, follow these 10 steps and the first day of school will just be like any other day!  Most importantly is to make sure you have time saved away for you!  Yes, moms need to schedule their activities as much as the kids activities.  Do not for get about your personal workouts and time to sit and regroup.

Here is my list of tips!

  1. The week before, it is important to get the kids on their school schedules.  This means the alarm goes off every morning as if they were going to school.  Have them come down for a family breakfast and get dressed for the day.  Take this time to do something special with your kids. Maybe shop for school supplies or go venture out and do that “thing” you have been meaning to do all summer!
  2. At night, turn the TV off and instead of homework time, have game night with the family or have everyone sit in the living room and read a book.  The important thing is to have the family doing something together and mentally stimulating during their future homework time.
  3. Schedule in your workout time!  This is very important.  Check with your gym to see their fall schedule and plan what classes you would like to take and block out time for yourself and your workout.  This will give you the energy and stamina to keep up with your kids, soon to be, crazy lives.
  4. Block out time for errands.  For example, if you are the type that food shops twice a week, block out that time now so your are not rushing around later to do it.  It will help keep things stress free and give you all the time you need, to get all your errands done, before the kids are ready to be picked up.
  5. Take this week before school starts to research healthy and easy lunch ideas.  Ask your kids if there is anything special they would like to have to eat or snack on around the house.  Healthy of course!  This will make lunch making super easy and your grocery list much simpler to make.
  6. Double check your schools dress code and other rules.  Do not take your kids word for it.  Not that you should not trust them, just double-check it and make sure they have the proper attire and are ready to go.
  7. Take advantage of pre-season sports and meet the coaches.  I have coached high-school field hockey and I loved meeting the parents ahead of time and always welcomed any questions they might have.  When the season starts there is a lot going on so take the time now to do it.  Also, ask if the team needs any help with half time refreshments or cleaning of uniforms.
  8. After the first day of school, look at their class syllabus and just see what they are in for.  Keep a note for big exams and dates so you can help them learn how to organize and prepare.  College is not to far away!
  9. If they are entering a new school, see if there are any moms groups or volunteer opportunities so you can get involved and meet the parents.  It will help it be a smooth transition for everyone.
  10. Lastly,  take a deep breath and relax.  Your kids can sense if you are anxious and that will, in turn, make them nervous.  Keep a calm relaxed persona. The first day, plan on waking up early, so everything is set and there is no rushing around

Follow these tips and the first week of school will go by smoothly and quickly. Just remember that you are important as well.  Do not forget your workouts and make sure to always have healthy snack options on hand!

What is your spending style?

Let us pretend that this recession forced us to choose only 100 of our belongings to live with on a daily basis.  All the rest of your stuff you would have to give up to good will.  You could spend as you like, but the catch is, when you purchase an item then another item must go.   Seems pretty straightforward and doable, correct?  Now walk into your bathroom and look around and really start to imagine yourself in this scenario.  Well  these 100  items have to include your mascara,  shampoos, hair products, all other beauty products, as well as, clothes, furniture, electronics, and other household items.  Let us say that you were able to narrow it down and you have started the challenge, would you change your spending habits?

When I first heard about this challenge in the New York Times article, “But Will It Make You Happy“, I thought nothing of choosing 100 items.  But as I started thinking about all my clothes and favorite beauty products it started to get a lot harder.  My favorite moisturizer would be a must, as well as eye liner and mascara.  I never leave the house without those on.  Next, I looked at hair products.  Honestly, I have a plethora of shampoos and conditioners.  I could have a beauty supply store in my bathroom.   Following the bathroom I moved to my closet.  Oh boy,  how do I choose what to take and what to through?  I decided to take a break and sit on the couch.

Picking 100 items is a lot harder than it first seems.  But should it be?  I have always been a huge believer in quality.  Two pairs of high quality jeans, to me, is much better then having ten pairs of jeans that will not last a wash let alone a season.  In an earlier post, “Is it okay not to always look for the bargain?”, I discussed my thought of purchasing quality not quantity.   Having those key pieces in your wardrobe that would be sheik for years to come.  Over time quality can become quantity.  I like to think of it as high-end quantity but we all know the truth.  I have accumulated a lot of stuff which seems to be a theme among americans.

But what drove the american people to become such large consumers.  As americans we typically enjoy large, flashy, multiple, and latest version of what it is that we want.  Now, if we look at Holland, for example, it is normal for two to three kids to share a bedroom and for their houses to have only one bedroom.  Moving on to Japan, their houses are simplistic, with minimal furniture and accessories.

There is no right or wrong, but we are in a recession and I, personally, still want to go shopping when I know I should be saving, saving, saving.  My husband and I started rating our purchases.  When we want to buy something we take a step back and think what will the return be on our purchase?  Not a financial return but a quality of life return.  Vacations and time with the family have become a priority over everyday possessions or having the nicest car.  When I am staring at a beautiful pair of Channel sunglasses, that seem to be saying, “buy me, buy me”,  I now walk away and think about my purchase before I decide to make it. (So hard but I am getting much better)  This recession has affected us indirectly but has changed us in a good way that I am hoping will be a new way forward.  Quality and time, not quantity and impulse.

Now I have shared my spending style with you, What is yours?

"Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels"

A girlfriend of mine had this posted as here Facebook status.  This is a direct quote from Kate Moss.  My honest first reaction was, wow that actually makes sense.  Nothing feels as good as stepping into a pair of your skinny jeans and closing the zipper, while absorbing the wonderful feeling of them fitting well with utter and the utmost comfort. 

This made me start to think more about what skinny is?  So I went to the dictionary and the definition shocked me;

          Very lean or thin; emaciated.

All I could envision was my daughter at 13, skin and bones! How awful!  But so much of our society is geared towards being skinny.  For example, there are skinny jeans, the skinny girls margarita, the skinny bitch, the skinny girl’s diet, and even many websites dedicated to being skinny.

But wait!  Is this really what is important, fitting into those size 2 jeans.  Pretty much starving yourself to do so.  Is this the healthy body image we want to give our daughter’s?  As I stared into my computer I started asking myself all these questions.  Our society seems to go to extremes.  Either you are obese or you are skinny.  There is no in between.  The reason being,  is that the media does not sell papers about the “in between”.  Young girls and teens buy magazines because they want to look like the models inside.  They memorize the pages so they can recreate the same look.  As a society is there a way to get our girls away from that?

This image of being perfectly skinny will always surround us and our children.   As parents I think it is important to teach them how to be healthy, with proper nutrition and exercise.  Also we need to give our children confidence in who they are and who they will become.  Just take a look around today and notice how obsessed our society is with being “skinny”.

Work that Butt!

This past weekend was very exciting for me.  It was the first time I became a published writer!  I have started doing some freelance writing for fitness and health websites.  My goal being Women’s Health or Shape Magazine’s.  After owning my own personal training studio in Miami I realized how much I enjoy helping woman, moms, moms-to-be, and, I have to include men, attain their fitness goals.  It is such a great feeling being part and helping someone accomplish their goals. Whether it be fitting into those skinny jeans, running  a mile , or being healthier from the inside to the outside, I enjoy being there each step of the way.  So I decided this weekend that I would gear some of my blogs towards health and fitness.
Yesterday at polo, I was chatting with some friends and the hot topic was our butts!  They wanted to know a routine they could do at home while their children were sleeping that would help tighten and shrink the behind.  So here is my favorite routine for at home!

  • Warm up
  • Lie on your back with your legs straight and your calf muscle on top of the stability ball. As shown to the right
  • Lift your hips up towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes as you raise the hips. Lower them back to starting position and repeat 25 times. 

  • Second. 
  • Lift your hips up to the ceiling as before
  • Now keeping your hips up roll the ball in towards your body by bending the knees. Then roll the ball back out. It is important to keep your hips up through the whole movement and your arms by your sides. You will feel this in the back of your leg, calf, and abs. Repeat 15 times.
  • Next, place your feet on the ball with your knees bent.  Squeeze your hips up to the ceiling and then drop back down. It is important to not let your hips touch the floor in between reps.  Repeat 15 times. 
  • Turn over and do the plank for 30 secs.
  • When finished with the plank repeat the whole set 2 more times. 

  • Third.  
  • Lie on your side on the mat. With your top foot flexed, do 25 leg raises. Make sure you lead with your heel and not your toe. You want your flexed foot to be completely parallel with the floor. You will feel this much more. 
  • After you complete the side leg lifts. Keep your leg raised and circle it clockwise in small circles 20 times and then go counter clockwise 20 times. The movement will be small and make sure to keep the foot flexed. 
  • Lastly on this side, lift both legs off the mat. 
  • Move the top leg back and forth, (towards opposite walls) Keeping the foot flexed. Count back and forth as one time and complete 15 of them.
  • Switch to the other side and complete the same routine. Do this twice on both sides. 

To finish:

  • We are going to complete a stability ball wall squat. Place the ball against a bare wall. Stand with the stability ball in the lull (top of the hips) of your back.  Squat down, making sure to keep your hips back towards the wall as you squat down.  
  • Go down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and then press up through the heels, so that you really activate the butt muscles. Repeat 15 times. 
  • Now we are going to do a one legged squat with the stability ball behind our back. Move the leg you are standing on a little towards the center. Lift the opposite leg and perform the squat. Only go down as far as it feels comfortable. Repeat 12 times and then switch to the opposite leg. 
  • Do this whole series three times. 

When you are finished with this routine make sure to stretch.  Please feel free to comment with any questions or concerns.  I recommend doing this series 2 to 3 times a week.  Remember cardio is very important as well for toning and weight loss.   Have fun tightening those buns!

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Nantucket: Time for a End of the Summer Getaway!

Maybe I say this every summer, but where did the summer go?  I cannot believe that it is August already and the kids will be back in school before you know it.  If any of you are feeling the way I am, then one more summer getaway is a must!!  So why not go away for Labor Day Weekend.  I promise it is not too late.  The kids will be back in school shortly after as well.  For some reason I woke up today in the mood to take a trip to Nantucket.  The best part about this island is that they do not have a bridge or a tunnel.  It is either by ferry or by plane.  But the trip to get there is worth every minute.

When I was growing up my mother and I use to spend a month in Nantucket every summer.  Sometimes we would rent a house but other times we would stay at a hotel.  I have such fond memories of walking into town to get ice cream or playing in the ocean for hours.  Nantucket always had a special smell I will never forget.  The fresh air, mixed with the salty water, and sweetness from flowers.  Maybe now that I have a daughter of my own I want to give her the experience that I had.

The hotels I recommend for your trip are The Veranda House and The White Elephant.  Both are by the harbor and walking distance to main street.  The great thing about this island is that it is not over populated and you can walk or bike to so many activities and sites.  I recommend going to Young’s Bicycle Shop and renting bicycles for your stay.  It is a great way to get to the beaches and tour the island.  Nantucket is full of wonderful boutiques, antique shops, fantastic restaurants, and lovely art galleries.  Also, during the summer there are outdoor concerts and fairs for the kids.

So if you are itching like I am to get away then I suggest finishing your summer off with a bang!! Visit Nantucket and I promise you will never look back.

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The Best PreNatal Vitamins!

More Than 100 Million Lifepak Nano Sachets SoldImage by Ellery Chen via Flickr

It seems to be the season for having a baby!  All of my girlfriends are pregnant and I am so incredibly happy for them!  At playgroup the other day we discussed prenatal vitamins and what brand everyone was taking.
When I was pregnant I purchased a prenatal that was suppose to be reputable from Whole Foods.  After taking the dosage I would become so nauseous and tired.  So I decided to do some research and see what else was out there.  A colleague, at the time, recommend LifePak PreNatal.  Her daughter was taking them at the same time and their doctor had also recommended them highly.  That night I went home and did some research on them and was very impressed with what I found. Who would ever think that I would be impressed by vitamins?  Not really something I paid much attention too.  However, the nerd in me came out. All the human genetic classes and biology courses were actually paying off.
The science behind these vitamins allows the the whole dosage to actually be absorbed into your system.  Did you know that a very large percent of the vitamins you take do not get absorbed.  LifePak PreNatal uses a patented nanotechnology that allows the vitamins to find the right bondage site, which allows the nutrients to be fully absorbed.  It really is fascinating stuff!  So right then I ordered a box.  As soon as I started taking them the nausea went away and I felt much stronger and energetic.  My hair did not get brittle and my skin was amazingly clear.  The best part is that the baby benefits as well. Also, these vitamins come individually wrapped in the proper dosage so you can just grab one and go.
My three girlfriends just started them and love them as well.  So if you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant I highly recommend the LifePak PreNatals!

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Easy and Delicious Homemade Protein Bars!

After my mothers visit last week I was in need of some detox!  I always like to stay very aware of how my pants fit.  Personally, that seems to be a good gage for me and staying at a healthy weight. When they start to feel a little snug, I know it is time to clean up the diet.  In a couple days I am back feeling sexy and good in my pants! 
The main way that I clean up my diet is by only eating the foods I make. So about a year and a half ago I started making homemade protein bars. I would alter recipes I found in cookbooks or magazines to tastes that I enjoyed.  Sunday, I made a batch of protein bars from a new recipe I had been playing with. I think I finally got it! These protein bars are delightful and I even got my husbands approval! He is the one in the back round, sitting on the couch, while watching golf, and laughing as he hears a pot drop or me screaming. Needless to say I am not very poetic in the kitchen, but I get the job done.
So here is the recipe and I hope you all enjoy it. They are very easy to make and make sure to read all the way to end for some alternatives to make them custom to your taste!


Protein-Packed Bars

  • 3/4 cup soy flour
  • 1/4 whole-grain flour
  • 1 cup wheat bran(you can use oat bran if that is all you have)
  • 1 cup vanilla protein powder (try to find egg white protein powder)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/3 cup ground  flaxseed  (optional)
  • 1/4 cup peanut butter (I use Better’n Peanut Butter, low fat & cals)
  • 1/4 cup Sucanat (optional)
  • 1 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tbls vanilla
  • 1/2 cup vanilla 0% fat greek yogurt

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a small baking dish with parchment paper
2. In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients together
3. In a small bowl mix the peanut butter, egg whites, applesauce, vanilla, and yogurt together
4. Add the wet ingredents to the large bowl. Mix well. If mixture is to dry add another egg white well beaten.
5. Spread mixture in baking panuntil even. Bake until golden brown

If you would like a little variety, feel free to add a handful of dark chocolate chips or dried fruit in the mixture. Make sure you wait until the end to add them in. Do not mix them in, instead gently fold them into the batter.

A New Spin on Hostess Gift Ideas!

ShakenImage by ZenOptic via Flickr

Tonight I am attending a cocktail party with my husband.  Usually, I bring a nice bottle of wine or sometimes an orchid, but I am in the mood to do something a little different. When I host, I never complain when a guest brings wine, but sometimes it is nice to receive something a little out of the ordinary and thoughtful.  This made me start to think of what other types of gifts are out there.

I started looking around in local shops and online to get some ideas.  Pottery Barn had some great bottle stoppers. The one that says “stop” is great. If you keep scrolling down they have martini shakers with glasses. This made me think, why not purchase a bottle of liquor, as well as the shaker, and then hand write a drink recipe for the host to try.  I think handwriting the recipe, on a nice piece of stationary, gives the gift a more personal feel. Or you could monogram the shaker and the glasses with their initials.
Thinking of monogramming, I found this wonderful website that has a plethora of monogrammed gifts! If the host is an organized person, you could monogram a bulletin board, or if they host often, they have serving trays and much more. Really is a cute site.
Now, for the hostess’s that are Eco Friendly you could give personalized reusable shopping bags.  Flip and Tumble have some wonderful stuff! They even have produce bags! How fun.  I just ordered the bags with the birdie for myself!  Lastly, if the host/hostess is into stationary, a personalized stamp would be a fantastic idea!

These are a couple of non traditional ideas.  Just remember to not stress about it. Soaps, candles, and dishtowels are always wonderful as well.  Also, cookbooks or a Table-Top books are great ideas.  Keep in mind, you do not need to wrap it. A simple bow will do fine. 
Hope this helps and have fun at all your parties!

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